Added the unique skill "Disturb"

The unique skill "Disturb" has been added to Saias. Enemies within 3 squares around the holders of this skill will have their received support effects reduced to 0. (Support effects include Authority stars and Charm.)

This is a very powerful skill because by the time Saias appears, there are about 15-20 Authority Stars. Although he is often criticized for losing stars as soon as he joins in the original, he can now work more than the 10 Authority Stars by approaching and interfering with the enemy.

It seemed like it could be handled in the same way as the Fear skill, so I did it. If a unit has this skill during a search for Charm or Fear skill, it is flagged, and at the end of the Authority effect aggregation process, all aggregated support effects are set to 0.

It sounds like a very wasteful process when I write it like this, but it really is. However, it is more efficient in terms of coding (fewer bytes are required) than making a decision and branching each time. The part of the code where the total of the Authority effect is being processed does not have enough bytes to be used.