Affected Only in English Added "Names" option to select the notation of unit names, etc. Added “Names” to the hidden Options. You can now choose to be used proper nouns such as units, items, and more from 3 types: Faithful, Trad, and Modern. 2025/03/01 Affected Only in English
Affected Only in English Changed the numeric output process used in the arena and ending results The numeric output process used in the arena and ending results has been changed to use English fonts when the language setting is English. 2025/03/02 Affected Only in English
Event Additions Added tutorial dialogue to the map command "Talk" in Chapter 1 Added tutorial dialogue to the map command “Talk” in Chapter 1. 2025/01/15 Event Additions
Event Additions Deen is now not lost if Linoan is captured and advances to the extra mission in Chapter 21 The event at the end of Chapter 21 has been changed so that Deen will not be lost even if Linoan is captured and goes on to the extra mission. 2025/01/14 Event Additions
Affected Only in English Changed the English name of the enemy called "Yohei" in Japanese The English name of the enemy called "ようへい" (Yohei, meaning mercenary) in Japanese has been changed. This is to distinguish them from the class "Mercenary". 2025/01/13 Affected Only in English
Event Additions Added the event when Nanna defeats or captures Mareeta in Chapter 5 I changed the event when Nanna defeats or captures Mareeta in Chapter 5, only Nanna will be petrified instead of Eyvel. 2024/10/19 Event Additions
Event Additions Added a talk event from Sara to Reinkoch in Chapter 16B A talk event from Sara to Reinkoch has been added to Chapter 16B. After this talk, all enemies will flee and no reinforcements will appear. 2024/08/10 Event Additions
Event Additions Added the talk from Nanna to Mareeta in Chapter 12 Added the talk from Nanna to NPC Mareeta in Chapter 12. Mareeta will join and the talk from Leif disappears when this talk is done. The content is almost the same as when spoken from Leif. 2024/08/07 Event Additions
Event Additions Added talk events after Parn joins in Chapter 12x Added talk events that can be executed after recruiting Parn in Chapter 12x. Units that did not talk when recruiting Parn can now talk to him. 2024/08/06 Event Additions
Event Additions Added the game over event when Leif is petrified and there is no cure Added the game over event when Leif is petrified and there is no cure for him in Chapter 24, 25, and Final. It will be detected at the end of each unit's action and at the end of Chapter 25. 2024/06/27 Event Additions
Data Lists Promotion list for each unit This is a list of promotions by Knight Proof, Master Proof, and events. 2025/01/14 Data Lists
Event Additions Added the talk from Salem to Saffi in Chapter 12x Added the talk from Salem to Saffi in Chapter 12x. This prompts Saffi to talk to or capture Tina. Even if you do not do this, Saffi can talk to Tina (this can be done until Tina joins). 2024/06/18 Event Additions
Event Additions Added the event when Dorias and Althena are alive at the end of Chapter 23 Added the event when Dorias and Althena are alive at the end of Chapter 23. This event will cause Althena's Auth.★ to increase by 4 and Finn (or Cain), Glade, and Selphina's Auth.★ to increase by 1. 2024/06/20 Event Additions
Event Additions Added events in Chapter 9 and 15 where Othin can get the axe Added events in Chapters 9 and 15 where Othin can get the axe. This occurs when Othin waits around the lower right corner spring in Chapter 9 and the central spring in Chapter 15. 2024/06/17 Event Additions
Event Additions Added events in Chapter 9 and 15 where Halvan can get the axe Added events in Chapters 9 and 15 where Halvan can get the axe. This occurs when Halvan waits around the lower right corner spring in Chapter 9 and the central spring in Chapter 15. 2024/06/17 Event Additions