I changed Patti to be able to promote from Thief Fighter to Forrest (using Master Proof).

I added this because I thought it was too bad that her partner, the commoner Daisy, has a special promotion route, but the "princess" Patti can only do normal promotions. Forrest can use a bow, so if you teach her an elite skill, she can use Ichii-Bal.
The graphics of the real combat animation are different from Eyvel's. It uses Thief-style graphics, but the palette is different, so I think it has a fresh feel.
I used and modified the image of Thief Fighter Female (Bow) from the patches and materials collection for FE4. Thank you so much.
She has been changed to allow promotion to Forrest from Master Thief too (using Master Proof). The stats is the same for promotion from either class, but the skills gained are different, with Ambush remaining if from Thief Fighter and Canter if from Master Thief.