Changed the English version title image

Happy Anniversary! Today, August 28th, Japan time, is the day that the Nintendo Power pre-written version of Fire Emblem Thracia 776 was released. Today marks the 25th anniversary since its release. To commemorate this day, the title image has been updated. I put a modern logo where it used to write "English mode". The number of years has also been updated.

When I first wrote "English mode", English was treated as an extra bonus because all the texts hadn't been fully translated into English yet, but now it's treated on the same level as Japanese so writing "mode" became as much as inappropriate. I thought about what to write instead, and came to the conclusion that since this is where the old logo was written in Japanese, it would be appropriate to put the logo used in the current series.

As those of you who have been following this blog know, I have been continually updating this hack on an ongoing basis, so I have no other major update for today. I appreciate your playing, bug reporting, and any other support that has improved the quality over the past year. Thank you for everything you have done and will do!