The Steel Sword that Machyua previously carried in Chapter 4 has been replaced with a Lancereaver (a sword, strong against lances), and Machyua's initial sword level has been increased slightly (+20) to allow her to use it.

In Chapter 4, when Machyua first appeared, most of the enemies had lances, and the swordswoman Machyua was difficult to hit and avoid, making a very bad impression on people. She is most adversely affected by the strengthening of the Weapon Triangle. Having a Lancereaver makes it easier to fight against lance-wielding enemies.
In fact, the problem of Machyua's inability to hit and avoid is solved by using the Slim Sword that Lara brought, but apparently it was barely noticed by first-time players. Since this change is also not explained in the dialogue, perhaps not all players will be able to notice its usefulness, but if Machyua herself has it, more will be willing to try it. Creating a situation where it is easy to notice its use is important.