Modification of Systems Changed to force enemy dances to be animated off I changed to force enemy dances to be animated off. This is because when an enemy dances in real animation, the unit icon for the danced target may change to incorrect. 2024/06/27 Modification of Systems
Modification of Graphics Patti can now be promoted to Forrest I changed Patti to be able to promote from Thief Fighter to Forrest (using Master Proof). 2024/06/21 Modification of Graphics
New Features Added the Critical rate and number of attacks display in the real combat animation The conventional Attack (ATC) and Defense (DEF) have been merged into the damage inflicted display, and the Critical rate and number of attacks have been added. And the palette and letterforms of each letter have been changed to improve visibility. 2023/05/05 New Features
Modification of Graphics Changed the real combat animation of the Great Knight (dismount) The real combat animation of the Great Knight (dismount) has been changed to a more Great one. 2023/04/12 Modification of Graphics