Changed so that the TalkDisplay appears again when the Y button is released

When the Y button is pressed while the unit's movement range is displayed, the TalkDisplay disappeared. It is now displayed again when the Y button is released.


Since a slightly earlier version, a "TalkDisplay" icon was added to indicate the conversation events. (TalkDisplay is developed by Zane Avernathy.)

In Zane's TalkDisplay, they were only displayed when the A button was pressed to display the unit's movement range. This balloon would disappear when the Y button was pressed. Therefore, in order to see if there was a conversation with a unit at a distance, one had to move slowly closer to the unit, without the fast cursor movement by pressing the Y button. The new change makes it reappear when the Y button is released.

Also, the TalkDisplay was not displayed on the Preparation screen, but now it is displayed. It will be unnatural for it to appear when the Y button was pressed and released, even though it is not appeared at first.

Processing changes

In JSR $838686, which handles the Y button press on the map, the TalkDisplay JSL will be called when the release of the Y button is detected.

At the beginning of TalkDisplay, there is a call to jsl $83CD2B (which copies the font for the terrain window display), so skip this part.

Specifically, the process is added as follows:

lda	$e4	; Joypad1Input
and	#$4000	; Check if the Y button is still pressed
bne +

jsl	$839808	; Read out the saved operation status
sta	$0E25	; Writing back the operation status

; Additional detect
cmp	#$0002	; Detect whether the unit's movement range is displayed
bne +

; When the Y is released while the range is displayed, the TalkDisplay is redrawn.
jsl	rlTalkDisplay_start


For the preparation screen, the TalkDisplay process is added at the end of the process when the A button is input, defined in fe5_rearrange.asm (line 180).