Added a function to the deployment screen to deselect all units at once

The function has been added to cancel the selection for all units except Leif. When selecting to deploy, if you press the L button while more than the minimum number of units are selected.

In a past update, the L button on this screen had a function to automatically select up to the minimum number of units added. This time, I have expanded this function.

If the selected unit has more than the minimum number of units, press the L button...
All units except Leif will be deselected.

If the number of selected units is less than the minimum number, it will automatically select up to the minimum number as before.

If you press the L Button when the number of selected units is below the minimum...
The minimum number of units was automatically selected.

Because the sortie number of units has been increased significantly, once you've selected the maximum number of units with the R button, it can be very tedious to deselect them if you want to deploy with the minimum number of units. By adding the function to deselect all at once, I think it's now easier to select units for deployment.

Tired units will not be automatically selected. This also applies to tired units that have an S Drink and are marked as "Use S Drink". If you want to deploy a tired unit, select it with the A button.