Changed the "Atk" is now displayed as "Ph Atk" or "Mag Atk" depending on the equipped weapon type

I have changed the "Atk" is now displayed as "Ph Atk" (meaning physical attack) or "Mag Atk" (magic attack) when viewing weapons in the unit's item menu or in the stats screen.

This is based on Engage's notation. I had thought for some time that this feature would be necessary, but it was not a good idea to include a notation that players were unfamiliar with, so I kept the "Atk" notation. I implemented it on the basis that if the official FE does it, I might as well.

Also related to this change, I shifted the output position of the numbers by 1 to the right when the equipment stats comparison is brought up in the item menu. "Ph Atk" and "Mag Atk" in English were too long to fit in the existing space. This is only in English mode, in Japanese mode they remain in their original position.

"Atk" will still be displayed as before when the unit is unequipped with a weapon on the stats screen.
Magic swords display the physical attack assuming it is when attacking at range 1.