Added warp traps to the Final Chapter, you can now go back and forth between each block

12 warp traps have been added to the Final Chapter, you can now go back and forth between each block. The specific locations are the bottom right and bottom left of each block, where player units are not initially placed.

Previously, I received feedback that it was not possible to beat the game if everyone but Leif was wiped, so I prepared a way to go back and forth between each block. It is actually possible to beat the game in that situation by being promoted to King and bringing in 5 Rewarps, but if Leif was promoted to Master Knight, he could not warp to Altar and solo was not possible. Also I thought it would be better to implement it to prevent screwed by other factors, so I added them.

However, if you are able to move, you may feel bothered to change positions for the next battle. This is the reason why I originally blocked each room. In the future, I may remove these warp traps if I think they have a big downside.