Added events in Chapters 9 and 15 where Halvan can get the axe. This occurs when Halvan waits around the lower right corner spring in Chapter 9 and the central spring in Chapter 15.

This event was previously added to Chapter 15, but I got feedback that it was too late to get Halvan's special weapon, and I agreed with that, so I made it possible for the event to happen in Chapter 9 as well. Also, I also made it possible for the other event to happen in Chapter 15 if you see the event in Chapter 9. That event will make that the axe will power up.
- If you do not get the axe in Chapter 9, this will also happen in Chapter 15.
- If you get the axe in Chapter 9, a new event will now happen in Chapter 15 when Halvan holds the Goddess Axe and waits around the spring.