Added events in Chapters 9 and 15 where Othin can get the axe. This occurs when Othin waits around the lower right corner spring in Chapter 9 and the central spring in Chapter 15.

This event can be performed after Halvan occurs the event at a spring or if Patricia joins. In short, if you get information that you got a good axe at a spri, you can do it.
The event where the honest man gets an axe from the goddess coming out of a spring is almost a direct copy of Lex's event in FE4, but its origin is clearly an Aesop's fable, and that story has a greedy, lying woodcutter. And it was a story until a liar lost an axe. Othin is not a liar, but he is a bit arrogant and presumptuous, so I added his event this time as a contrast to Halvan.
The first time, he acts arrogant, he won't lose anything, but he will get a strange item. The second time, he will reflect and get a better item.
- If you do not get the axe in Chapter 9, this will also happen in Chapter 15.
- If you get the axe in Chapter 9, a new event will now happen in Chapter 15 when Othin waits around the spring (He doesn't need to have the axe he got in chapter 9).