Added "Mag" display to the window when looking at the staff for attacking in the unit's possessions menu

Added "Mag" display to the window when looking at the staff for attacking (grants states, steals items etc.) in the unit's possessions menu. Shows the value of the magic power that will be used to compare to the enemy's ability.

This may seem meaningless, since it is almost identical to what you can see on the stats screen, but I added it because some people may have questions about whether or not the addition of magic power due to terrain, equipped items, or holy water etc. is incorporated into the calculation. In the past, I added the healing amount display to the healing staff, so one of the reasons I added this is that it seemed inconsistent as a system without this kind of functionality as well.

This may be more convenient than having to look at the stats screen every time you change your unit's equipment to a weapon with magic power plus to see the value.