The English name of the enemy called "ようへい" (Yohei, meaning mercenary) in Japanese has been changed. This is to distinguish them from the class "Mercenary".
In Japanese, all class names are written in katakana, there is no confusion between hiragana unit names and class names. However, in English, there is a class called "Mercenary" and using the same "Mercenary" in unit names leads to unnecessary misunderstandings, so this change was required.
Specifically, the following names have been changed:
- The unit names of the Sword Fighters and Sword Masters in Chapter 7, etc., have been changed to "Sellsword".
- The name of Shiva's affiliation (Japanese name: ようへい隊 Yohei-tai) in Chapter 7 has been changed to "Sellswords".
- The unit name of arena opponents has been changed to "Opponent".
The Japanese name for arena opponents has also been changed to "剣闘士" (Kentoushi, meaning Gladiator). It is strange to call them "gladiators" when many of them do not use swords, but it is better than "Yohei" written in hiragana. Ideally, I would have changed it to "対戦相手" (Taisen-aite, meaning Opponent), but I didn't want to use a font area for a kanji that is only used here, so I didn't.