Added simplified view to the combat forecast window

A simplified view has been added to the combat forecast window, which replaces attack/defense values with damage values, as in the GBA and later.

The specification of the simplified view mode is as follows.

  • [Own Atk] - [Enemy's Def (or Res in case of magic attack)] is displayed as "Mt".
  • The raw Atk value will not be visible, but the damage of the critical is changed to 3 times the damage, so you can predict the damage of the critical.
  • The only thing that will be unpredictable is the damage when the Luna is activated, but that is the same in FE9, etc., so give up predicting it.
  • The number of attacks is displayed as "AC" (Attack Counts).
  • The number of attacks reflects doubling by pursuit, Adept, Charge, and brave weapons, and takes values from 1 to 16.
  • Since there is more space available, the weapon name used by allies is also displayed.
The default is a simplified display. This is following the GBA and later versions. If you want to change it back to the conventional view (detailed view), you can change it in the Options.