Added the option "Wait Command Pos" to the hidden Options. Setting it to "Bottom" will move the Wait command to the bottom of the unit menu.

This feature has been created in response to requests for the same feel as the translation patch released in English-speaking countries (it has an additional patch that provides this functionality).

Considering that the number of units that have to be operated is more than in the original, I think it would be inconvenient to have the Wait command at the bottom. It should become more painful as you progress through the second half of the game, especially in the escape map. But I understand your argument that it must be considered because someone has provided such a patch in the past. It is kinder if players have the opportunity to try both and think about it, so I provided. Also, in other titles in the series, the Wait command is at the bottom, so some people may be happy to have it the same way (which is probably why that patch was made).