This page describes the changes made to the pad input, etc.
Soft Reset
The Select input detection has been removed from the Soft Reset command. The soft reset can be performed by pressing "L + R + Start".
This change was made because it is sometimes difficult to press Select and Start at the same time depending on the key layout of the pad.
As before, the soft reset will be performed even if you simultaneously press the keys, including Select.
Operations on the Preparation screen
Unit Select and Map
- The selected units for the sortie is displayed on the map. Pressing the Y button on units allows you to reposition them.
- The "Map" command is now also displayed on the preparation screen of the FoW map. The units can be re-positioned on the FoW map too.
- When selecting units, the L button is now used to automatically select up to the minimum number of units required.
- When selecting units, pressing the L button with more than the minimum number selected will deselect all sorties except for Leif.
Item arrangement
- The item list display has been speeded up.
- Pressing the up/down button while holding down the R button on the item list screen now skips 10 items (5 lines).
- The L button has been added to the button for exiting the item arrangement screen, allowing the user to exit by pressing the L button in addition to Select button.
- Added the function to merge items in and out of the storage by holding down the L button.
Operation on the battle field
- Changes in unit action commands menu:
- "Staff" in the unit menu has been moved above "Wait".
- "Use" in the item menu has been moved below "Equip".
- Changed to gray out the Steal command when the possessions is full.
- Changed to gray out the Release command when a captured enemy has item(s).
- Changed Supply and Porter to no longer end unit actions immediately after using that commands.
- Changed the menu is not close and is not put into wait state when canceling a command menu
- Added a function to toggle "Charge" skill on/off when attacking during player phase. To disable "Charge", hold down the R button and start the combat.
- A danger area display function has been added. Pressing the Select button on the map displays the enemy's full range.
- About changes of moving the cursor to active units with the R button:
- Changed from referring to units in order of memory storage to referring to units in a line starting one square to the right of the cursor based on the cursor's current position.
- When the cursor is pointing at an enemy, the enemy is referenced.
- Similarly, NPCs are referenced when the cursor is pointing to an NPC.
- Added a function to search in reverse order by pressing the L button.
- Added a function to search at high speed by holding down the Y button and pressing the L/R button.
- Added Autoend Turns function. It is enabled by default, and can be disabled in the Options.
ASM source of fe5_patch.7z is used for the following functions. Thank you. (Some modifications have been made.)
- Rearrange units on the map of preparation (fe5_rearrange)
- Faster item list display (fe5_fast_item_sort)
- Skip 10 items by pressing L/R button on the item list screen (fe5_item_list_lr)
Also, for the danger area display, the basic part was ported from Lil'Manster, and the process of interpreting the range was taken from fe5_range.asm of fe5_patch. Thank you.