Changed the Mov display for non-moving enemies to "--"

Enemies whose movement algorithm is set to not move now have their Mov displayed as "--" on the stats screen.

The movement range on the map was displayed as 0 using the Guard AI display, but the stats screen showed the original Mov. This change is made to indicate on the stats screen that the enemy will not move.

Display of non-moving enemy attack range

The display process of Mov on the stats screen has been modified in several ways, such as displaying green when it reaches the upper limit, red when fatigue is activated, and displaying an addition when increased by items or skills, which was causing a problem with abnormal numbers being displayed in certain cases. In addition to fixing this, I changed the display to show "--" for the Mov of non-moving enemies, in reference to FE11.

In the past, I used to set 255 to their Mov for the "--" output, but I gave up using that method because it caused various problems when capturing someone. This time, I just changed the screen display process.