
Modification of Systems

Changed current position of random numbers to not reset when resetting random number table

The current position of the random number has been changed to not reset when resetting the random number table.
Modification of Systems

Expansion of the promotion bonus

The promotion bonus has now been expanded to increase maximum HP and Mov in some cases.
New Features

Added "Growth rate" to hidden Options, 0% growth setting is now possible

I added "Growth Rate" to the hidden Options, making it possible to set 0% growth. When set to 0%, all units will have a growth rate of 0, and their stats will not change when leveling up.
New Features

Added the process related to the automatic saving (measures to enable recovery from the just before point)

I have changed some of the processing related to interrupted saves and added backup processing so that you can resume from the previous point if the game freezes.
Modification of Systems

Specifications regarding fatigue

It is now possible to go out even if your units are tired. Instead, fatigue will lower your unit's combat performance, so please manage it appropriately. Fatigue accumulates up to 200.
New Features

Added the Critical rate and number of attacks display in the real combat animation

The conventional Attack (ATC) and Defense (DEF) have been merged into the damage inflicted display, and the Critical rate and number of attacks have been added. And the palette and letterforms of each letter have been changed to improve visibility.
New Features

Added simplified view to the combat forecast window

A simplified view has been added to the combat forecast window, which replaces attack/defense values with damage values, as in the GBA and later.
New Features

Changed "Drop" to "Send" in the unit's item menu, sends the selected item to the depository

The "Drop" command in the unit's item menu has been changed to "Send". The selected item will be sent to the depository.
New Features

Added new command “Porter”, class “Transporter”, and item “Porter Proof”

The new command "Porter", the new class "Transporter", and the new item "Porterproof" have been added. The "Porter" command allows you to move items in and out of the depository anywhere on the map.
Modification of Systems

Fixed that weapons with condition effects inflicting them even if the damage is 0

Weapons with condition effects have been changed so that they do not inflict Poison, Berserk, Sleep, or Stone when the damage dealt is 0.
Modification of Skills

Changed to gray out the Steal command when the possessions is full

Changed to gray out the Steal command when the unit's items are full.
New Skills

Added the function of displaying "Unique Skill" on the unit stats screen

I added the ability to display "Unique Skill" on the status screen of some units.